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Ileemore E-learning platform for high school students in Africa

In Nigeria, over 1 million students fail at least one of the matriculation examinations needed for admission into tertiary institutions, every year and have to wait another year before they can retake the exam. Sadly, over 70% of the students who fail will never get to retake the exam. This prevents them from accessing higher education and forces them to live a life with low-income earning skills.

To solve this problem, we have developed an e-learning platform that helps students prepare for matriculation examinations through dynamic pedagogy and learning analytics. Our biggest competitive advantage is the quality we attach to our content development. We have a quality assurance team that ensures that we turn out good content at every point in time. We currently have the best content for matriculation examination preparation in anglophone West Africa. To date, we have reached 4,500 users across 5 countries and formed 39 partnerships.

Sectores Educación, Software como servicio
Ubicación Nigeria
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