Hopmac is envisioned to create a vibrant horticultural sector through sustainable production technologies and marketing strategies which are driven by passionate farmers and stake holders. We bring together all the players in the value chains of horticultural crops together with the aim of facilitating smooth flow of produce from the farmer to the final consumers. We incorporate Agro dealers, processors and manufacturing companies, Research institutions, Financers, farmers and any stake holders involved. Farmers will be provided with gadgets, mobile smart phones to use for extensions to ease communications and get connected with involved stakeholders.
Sectores | Agroindustria, Consultoría y desarrollo empresarial, Cultivos agrícolas |
Ubicación | Lilongwe, Malaui |
Etapa | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Mercados | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Modelo de cliente | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Ingresos | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Contacto | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Medios sociales |