Schools in Mexico and LATAM are 20 years behind the rest of the industries. They are still using paper, face to face or manual processes, cash and printed receipts. Handschool is a mobile app solution for payment process and credits provider for schools, where we also include additional features to help them in communication, administration, and class collaboration. It is a B2B2C online web and mobile service that can be subscribed either for free by activating payment and invoicing module or for a monthly subscription cost. 80% of customers came from digital campaigns, which helped us to increase presence from 1 city in 2020 to more than 18 cities in Mexico in around 70 schools. We have more than 12K users by now and processed school payments for nearly $500K USD during the first year. We are looking to grow into 1000 schools in the next few years, achieve 1M transactions annually, more than 150M USD in payment processing and more than 100K credits submitted.