Haitipay Fintech Digitalizing Bottom of the Pyramid Markets


Co-founders of HaitiPay have been working together the last 3 to develop a local mobile money merchant and agent network.

Pascale Elie, is Chairwoman of HaitiPay. She has a degree in Actuarial Mathematics and Economy. She has more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector, lead a top-rated Insurance Company and was CEO of a Visa Credit Card issuer. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pascaleelie

Georges Andy RENÉ  is CEO of HaitiPay. He is a lawyer with 20 years of experience in legal advice to businesses. https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgesandyrene

Darlens SAINT-SURIN is COO of HaitiPay. He has 10 years of experience as operations https://www.linkedin.com/in/darlens-saint-surin/

Kurt JEAN-CHARLES is CTO of HaitiPay. Has 25 yrs exp in ITC with MBDS (Master Degree Mobiquity Big Data Systems integration)