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Grupo Ciencia + Diálogo We measure and develop SEL, innovation and wellness in organizations

Grupo Ciencia + Diálogo

Grupo Ciencia + Diálogo

We work to help people and organizations improve their skills for dialogue, cooperation, innovation and learning, using innovative and active evidence-based methodologies based on scientific and academic articles. We work in partnership with public and private institutions. In particular with educational organizations on two lines; developing training programs tailored to the needs of each school, installing skills in the work teams; and, on the other hand, empowering school leaders, strengthening their socio-emotional skills and their ability to design and manage projects that favor their communities, empowering them by connecting them with leaders of the country and different communes of the country promoting networking.

Secteurs Conseils et développement des affaires, Services éducatifs
Emplacement Ñuñoa, Chili
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