Green Republic Limited Eat. Sleep. Recycle.

Cover image of Green Republic Limited, Biomasa venture on VC4A

Much of Nigeria doesn’t have an efficient public waste management system. Decades of this has resulted in a waste pandemic; massive environmental degradation, diseases, and a normalised dysfunctional relationship with waste. Much of the Nigeria’s waste, thought to be a huge 34 million tons a year, ends up mixed up in landfill, landscapes and waterways where pollutes and damages the surrounding area.

GreenRepublic is a digital door-to-door recycling service turning waste to wealth, by offering post consumers assorted benefits in exchange for their everyday waste, and formalising the role of waste pickers.

Green Republic is building a decentralised platform to systematically address the inefficiencies in how Africans deal with waste, and will continue to build a robust waste management value chain that unlocks opportunities trapped in waste by incorporating the formal and informal sector, from post consumers, waste pickers, drivers and aggregators to exporters and manufacturers.

SectoresBiomasa, Energía renovable, Gestión y reciclado de residuos
UbicaciónEgbagu, Nigeria
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