Govinzo SARL

Cover image of Govinzo SARL, Hygiene venture on VC4A

Govinzo SARL

Govinzo SARL

Every month, more than 2 billion women in the world have their menstruation, and many of them face difficulties in accessing good quality and environmental protection. In order to overcome the problems caused by the hygienic protection made up of strong chemical and plastic components, we offer biodegradable sanitary napkins based on banana powder and corn powder. These hygiene and ecological pads reduce the rate of pollution caused by the hygiene protection that can take up to 500 years to deteriorate against 6months for our solution, ansi that the health risks caused by these protections such as urinary tract infection, itching, irritations, cancer of the reproductive organs, etc.. Our target solution for a start the local market (Cameroon) with different adapted ranges of the least affluent to the most affluent, as well as different flows (light, medium, abundant and post-maternity)

Sectors Hygiene, Manufacturing, Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Location Yaoundé, Cameroon
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