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GOAT is GOLD FARM Nigeria enterprises Beat cholesterol with goat milk

Goat is gold farm is established to
tackle the challenges of heart
diseases like stroke, heart
attack,anginal and so many others,
due to daily consumption of cow
milk by every individual which
leads to disability and even death by producing highly hygienic edible Goat milk. Goat milk is rich in medium chain
fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids are a type of heart healthy fat that is
associated with a wealth of impressive health benefits. For many, cow milk is completely out of question because it’s difficult to digest,high in allergenand
loaded with lactose that wreck havoc on your gastrointestinal tract.
Goat milk is a nutrients rich
alternative that is tasty,easy on the
gut and far less inflammatory than regular cow milk because cow milk
contain A1 casein which is a protein
that is highly inflammatory and
inflammation is the root cause of
most diseases. Goat milk contain
only A2 casein which is a protein like the protein in human breast milk.

SectorsAgribusiness, Animal farming, Manufacturing
LocationOsogbo, Nigeria
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