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Go SuperApp SuperApp Enabling Africans To Get Any Service On Their Mobile

Cover image of Go SuperApp, Information technology venture on VC4A

Go Superapp, the first, the best and the only super app in Africa.

The mission of Go is to be in the lives of all Africa’s 600 million people with smart phones in all the 54 countries, from when they wake up, to when they go to sleep, helping them to do everything: buying, selling, hailing taxi, sending money, sending cargo, finding accommodation, getting plumbers, maids, doctors, mechanics. Everything.

Go is seeking USD. 50,000, and offering 108% return on investment, ROI, in 12 months, secured by 2.5% equity stake, board seat, and complete oversight to the use of funds.

SectorsInformation technology
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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