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Go Bike Go Bike mainly targets sustainable development

Cover image of Go Bike, Transporte ecológico y motores eléctricos venture on VC4A

Go Bike is spreading a culture of cycling across Egypt. In many countries around the world, cycling is a safe, affordable and environmentally friendly mode of transport that people use every day. Bikes are a much-needed alternative in cities like Cairo, where cars fill the streets, and the two-hour commute reigns supreme.We also believe cycling can help drive positive change in other areas, by promoting healthy living, empowering women and combating climate change.
We started off small, organizing rides around Cairo every Friday morning when the traffic is light and the city is at its most beautiful. Over time, we’ve built a community and evolved new activities and initiatives to meet the needs of its members.

Sectores Transporte ecológico y motores eléctricos
Ubicación Cairo, Egipto
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