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GLOWESDA MUSHROOMS Go organic, protect your health, save the world

Cover image of GLOWESDA MUSHROOMS, Consultoría y desarrollo empresarial venture on VC4A

We produce and market organic mushrooms. We also train and support unemployed and vulnerable young people as such aschool drop outs, teenage single mothers, young widows, female houshold heads in organic household mushroom cultivation for free. We help set up their individual farms and when they begin production, we group them into cooperatives of mushroom producers, we also buy their produce, brand it and sale to the national and international market. This way, we solve the problem of limited access to markets and ensure a quick turn over.
Mushroom production is easy, low cost, uses locally available raw materials such as saw dust, corn cobs, rice husk and produces results in just about 3-4 weeks. It takes less time hence a woman can comfortably do it.
The product itself has huge nutritive and medicinal values. It is also expensive and highly demanded both locally and internationally

Sectores Consultoría y desarrollo empresarial, Cultivos agrícolas, Producción alimentaria
Ubicación Bamenda, Camerún
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