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Gifted Rescue The very present help

Cover image of Gifted Rescue, Healthcare venture on VC4A

Haven observed that good hospitals are always choked with huge crowds making doctors/facilities unavailable, I researched and discovered that most of these patients stopping the ease of healthcare delivery have cases that are solved only by “information”.
I started Gifted Rescue to use digital technology to reduce the number of hospital visits in Nigeria by providing healthcare services for patients (allowing them connect to doctors/facilities) from the convenience of their mobile devices. This not only reduces the intensity/pressure physicians encounter in hospitals, it also allows them more time to extend an in-depth care to critical medical conditions that really needs it.
There’s need to have quick access to doctors but the medical-personnel shortage in Nigeria today makes it very difficult especially during emergencies.

SectorsHealthcare, Healthcare providers and services
LocationSakpoba, Nigeria
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