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Genoskul Academic and Professional Excellence

Cover image of Genoskul, EdTech venture on VC4A

Genoskul is a start-up that revolutionizes education and training through artificial intelligence. We have developed an educational and professional platform equipped with artificial intelligence to facilitate access to quality education and quality training for all. We equip the Educational Structures in particular the University, the Training Centres, the schools etc of our Genoskul For Business interface equipped with artificial intelligence and data analysis algorithms to enable them to digitalize their services, measure the impact of their training, personalize their teaching to make their training more effective and to respond more effectively and with precision to the needs of companies.

We are implementing the training programmes for a mass and dispersed public. We digitizes training programs funded by Foundations, NGOs, Government, Organizations to make them more inclusive.

Sectores EdTech
Ubicación N'Djamena, Chad
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