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Fundacion Vivir con Salud We want to deliver new vision with glasses to poor people in México

Cover image of Fundacion Vivir con Salud, Productos educativos venture on VC4A

We are a mexican french foundation in charge for México to make eye disease diagnostics to the base of the pyramid and to deliver them a corrected new glasses in the moment for 7 USD. There are 38 000 000 of mexicans nowadays needing glasses without having the possibility to buy it in an optical shop because of regions where they live, or because of the cost that represents to family economy. Our products are made by the worldwide optical líder and thanks to a ready to clip patent we can deliver them in a few minutes after the diagnostic. There is no other program like this in México and we have already checked 255 000 patients in the last 3 years.

SectoresProductos educativos, Proveedores y servicios sanitarios, Equipos e insumos médicos
UbicaciónNaucalpan de Juárez, México
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