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FreshHarvest Farm to Market


We are food-chain-gers, (noun) (plural), people who are dedicated to making positive change within existing food and value chains.
Miss. Neema Walter (Chief Executive Officer), BSc, Microbiology has extensive experience in quality assurance and reduction of food loses. Mr. Josephat Shimo, (Business Development Director) Bsc. Agriculture Economics, with vast experience in agriculture value chain, Mr. Renald prosper, (Farm manager) Bsc. Agribusiness, he has extensive experience in working with farmers and market access.
FreshHarvest works with young & enthusiastic people who are passionate about innovative farming, the planet, and food. We look beyond a person’s skill set, and we look for people with the same vision. Our differing backgrounds are what allow us to thrive and bring change to the food sector. Working with a small team allows us to improve and implement changes quickly and make space for innovation.