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Fresh Life 360 Ventures We do organic catfishes and vegetables (tomatoes, pepper and cucumber)

Cover image of Fresh Life 360 Ventures, Cultivos agrícolas venture on VC4A

At Fresh Life 360 Ventures, we leverage on converting several waste from homes and farms into composts, herbicides and insecticide which are used to organically produce cat fishes(hybrid) and vegetables (F1 tomatoes, Habanero pepper and Bologna Cucumber).
These are also packaged in eco friendly paper packages.
Our market spans from local market a to district markets and to regional markets in Western Region of Ghana.
We also are in talks with Dangote Cement LTD and Good Will ceramics LTD to boost our supply.
“Fresh Life 360 Ventures the best organic hub in Ghana”

Sectores Cultivos agrícolas, Piscicultura
Ubicación Ghana
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