Freeziana.comOur solution is a complete Eco system to enhance the handmade industry in Egypt. It includes, an e commerce platform to avail the handmade products to buyers, in addition to a set of services for the producers such as, product development , professional products photo shooting, pricing and selling online, social media, marketing, managing cash-flow .. etc. this platform is made as a beautiful museum that contains all categories of handmade products with its pictures, descriptions and prices also we will not be just working on SDG goals for reducing inequality and decent work we will also help on ending povertySectorsArts, E-commerceLocationالقرية الذكية, EgyptStageSign in to view detailsMarketsSign in to view detailsCustomer modelSign in to view detailsRevenueSign in to view detailsContactSign in to view detailsSocial media