provide mental health services through online sessions, by using AI technology analyzing body language, analyzing spoken words, analyzing colors, an automatic and immediate chat supported by artificial intelligence techniques that helps patients reach psychological solutions and preliminary diagnoses about the nature of their illness, converting signals of the deaf and hard of hearing into written words that the mental health service provider can read and converting the words written by the service provider into signals specific to the deaf and hard of hearing
Sectores | Inteligencia artificial, Sanidad, HealthTech |
Ubicación | Cairo, Egipto |
Etapa | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Mercados | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Modelo de cliente | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Ingresos | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Soportado por | |
Contacto | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Medios sociales |