Food NationFood Nation’s mission is More plants on more plates for the health of people and planet. The core philosophy of Food for All reflects our ambition for wide-spread appeal and impact by converting new consumers to this dietary approach. Food Nation drives sustainable consumption by exciting & delighting people of all diets and persuasions with inclusive products in well-known formats. Showcasing fresh delicious ingredients on pack and in products while delivering products that are all vegan, vegatian and gluten free certified, free from soy, nuts or dairy makes it truely Food for All. Award winning, disruptive pack design inspires people to convert to a healthier way of eating. We influence consumers eating habits & by association food system in totality. We use ingredients that may have been wasted incl. securing up to 30 T/wk of fresh mushrooms & stalks and incorporate new, locally grown nutrient rich crops incl. buckwheat, hemp & quinoa supporting diversified revSectorsFood productionLocationChristchurch, New ZealandStageSign in to view detailsMarketsSign in to view detailsCustomer modelSign in to view detailsSupported byUN Food Systems Summit > Best Small Business: Good Food for AllContactSign in to view detailsSocial media