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Flash bac Flash bac is about active learning and learning with funny ways


Our team is a small one , there is me Mohamed Mouhib Meddeb my little brother Mazen Meddeb,and my best friend Hazem Bensaria. At the beginning i was alone i this company than I searched allot for members to help me to grow my business and i found that the best team i can make is this one because we know each other very well we have great competence and we can communicate very easily.So I’m the founder and CEO I make the marketing strategy I find new markets ,and manage to grow our company, my little brother Mazen Meddeb, is the media manager , he creates posts on Instagram and Facebook he gives as ideas for better content, and he design new type of flash cards,My best friend Hazem Bensaria is the IT manager he creates our website and manege everything in the term of coding,data analysis…