The idea of business arises as Final Work of Course of a matter that is « Engineering of the product », being 4 students which make up the Startup, one of them which is Elian, the only woman of the group, since small it has found that the work in the field presents ergonomic problems in the workers, since her mother has a business in the field of agriculture. For the realization of the product we used the methodology of the Desing Thinking, for the definition of the problem rse carried out an interview to 372 people dedicated to the agro, and the consultation of 3 people specialists in the topic as an agronomist engineer, an ergonomics specialist and. Identifying the need to create a product that helps the activity of the fertilized, that is why we create the prototype « Fertibag », is which to facilitate such activity, helps to no longer crouch to the level of the soil, optimizes the time and work, and with it to prevent the diseases related to the sleeping area.