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Fertitude Technologies Holistic Support for African Women Through Their Reproductive Journey

Cover image of Fertitude Technologies, Salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos venture on VC4A

Fertitude is an anonymous community that matches up women & experts based on their reproductive life stage so they can get psycho-social support & access care easily without feeling judged.

In today’s society, no woman should have to feel ashamed about their reproductive health journey or figure it out alone!

And so, we have created an ACTUAL safe space for women of African descent to find support, advice, and connection with others in the same boat. Our users also get to interact with verified professionals, therapists and coaches who just get it!

Our digital community invites women to learn more about their body—with the support of a powerful knowledge base behind them. By giving women a platform to initiate important dialogues, we are already creating a more equitable future.

Sectores Salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos
Ubicación Lagos, Nigeria
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