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Ferme numérique EH Your Health Our Concerns


Estelle HOUNKPO is the founder and CEO of the EH Digital Farm. Having knowledge of farming and agricultural techniques, she has followed several training courses in management and business creation. She loves everything digital, which prompted her to train as a cyber security data analyst.
Patrice Valou: Business Manager, Collaborators and Partners He is the executive and digital director of the start-up, he is a web developer and works on everything that works on the design and operation of the site. He manages the area of ​​communication and site interaction. Being also already an entrepreneur and having digital skills, he manages everything that is very important to the operation and visibility of the start-up.
Inés HOUNKPO: Business manager by training, she is the accounting manager of the company and deals with everything that is financed and the cash flow of the start-up. Having previously served as an accounting secretary, she has experience in the field.