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Fazenda Kukula Comida de qualidade

Cover image of Fazenda Kukula, Cultivos agrícolas venture on VC4A

Fazenda Kukula is a company working in the agriculture and farming sector in the village of Mphassi in the area of Tete, Mozambique. Fazenda means “farm” in Portuguese and Kukula means “growth” or “development” in Nhungue, the local language. Our company is the product of an intercultural friendship between two ambitious young people from Switzerland and Mozambique who had the dream to make a difference in this World. Our heart is to help local people to improve their life conditions by giving them work opportunities. To achieve that, we want to develop a business mindset in all our activities. Right now, as we have just started, we are cultivating mostly vegetables, but we are planning to develop our company by planting fruit trees and having animals. In the future our dream is to be able to transform our products and commercialize them ourselves in the village and also in the neighbour city of Tete. We have already met people there willing to buy our products.

Sectores Cultivos agrícolas, Comercio minorista
Ubicación Moatize, Mozambique
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