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Fatura B2B Marketplace & Retailers' superapp

Cover image of Fatura, Financial services venture on VC4A

Fatura focuses on optimizing the exchange of goods, money and information in the B2B context while focusing on convenience and the different users’ experience.
It is a super app that connects wholesalers & manufacturers with retailers in different industries, services include:
Market place: A one-stop shop for retailers guaranteeing comprehensive SKUs at the best available prices and a tool for wholesalers and manufacturers to expand their coverage
Digital Lending: Focus is currently on retailers financing through on-app wallet with respective credit limit
Market Intelligence: A live, up-to-date dashboard of accurate information pertaining to the availability, prices and market shares of the different SKUs, enabling informed decision making for the different stakeholders
Marketing & Communication: Fatura enables manufacturers to reach retailers (decision makers) at the time when they are making their purchase decision through On-App marketing, priority merchandizing…e

SectorsFinancial services, Retail and wholesale
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