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Farms Investment Network and Savings Limited One billion micro-farms distribution across Nigeria


1. Mr Baraya Andrew is the Founder and Chief Of Operations of the start-up with 70% share and 30% shared by the team in different proportions. He has a diploma in Marketing and Chattered administrator, Have successfully initiated and sold 4 small businesses and very visionary and passionate about food and agriculture.
2. Mr Nelson Uhembe is the Chief Technology officer with 5% share of the company is an engineer and a software developer.
3. Mr Balmun Daniel in charge of promotions and marketing
4. Mr Nanle Philemon is our CFO, a graduate of Micro-biology from the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria also in Nigeria
5. Mr. Achibel B Athanasius is a Director of the company and a graduate of law from the University of Benin in Nigeria.
6. Barr. Francis Ojechenemi is our CLO.