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Farm to Feed Africa's first B2B platform for imperfect and surplus produce

Cover image of Farm to Feed, Agroindustria venture on VC4A

Farm to Feed

Farm to Feed

Over 50% of fruits and vegetables in sub-Saharan Africa never reach a consumer resulting in lost income for farmers; greenhouse gas emissions from rotting produce; fewer available nutritious produce and higher food prices.

Farm to Feed aggregates imperfect/surplus produce; creates market demand and sells to customers via digital platform. By tackling food loss/waste, we boost farmer incomes, improve food affordability and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

We provide farmers access to market for food at risk of being written off as a loss. Kenyan farmers face increased physical (e.g. drought and flooding) and production risks (e.g. rise of crop diseases and pests) associated with climate change. Our food rescue services help them manage the negative effects of these climate risks. Our aggregation points (Supply Hubs) and digital solution (which includes a mobile app and e-commerce site) targets smallholder farmers to provide more options to sell imperfect/surplus produce; t

Sectores Agroindustria
Ubicación Nairobi, Kenia
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