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Falconlite Financial services without limitations.


We are a financial service company with straight forward vision. We believe they are amazing people out there who are in need of our product In the real world. With this in mind, Jeremiah Omonefe (CEO and Founder) set up a team of developers, and marketers, and other technical offices, we decided on tie name “Falconlite”, I teamed with Eleven (11) solid dedicated members of the group today

We bring to the Table this product. We’ve had an Amazing journey together building and coming to where we are today, I feel confident we can provide you with the best from our products. And effective solution to any problem we encounter.

Jeremiah Omonefe (CEO and Founder, UI designer)

Nwokedi Oluebube (CMO, Growth Team lead, Head of customer service)

Franklin Onu (COO, Snr. Product mgr. Sales mgr.)