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Fahari Tuamke Maendeleo Clean Energy for Cooking

Cover image of Fahari Tuamke Maendeleo, Clean technology and energy venture on VC4A

Generation of biogas from cow manure, human excreta, and kitchen waste is considered to be one such alternative. The investment will focus on establishing adsorbed natural biogas (ANG) technology using cow manure as an alternative source of biogas to address energy demand in an environmentally and user friendly way.
The world population needs energy to survive and thrive and Adsorbed Natural Biogas (ANG) Technology has the answer to deliver this energy in an economical and clean ways to communities world wide.
Adsorbed Natural Biogas (ANG) is a ground breaking technology that allows for Natural Biogas to be stored in high densities at low pressure. Activated carbons made from organic materials are put into a cylinder and adsorb Methane molecules like a sponge adsorb water. The capturing of Methane gas can now be done easily and inexpensively so that it is not escaping into our atmosphere.

SectorsClean technology and energy, Natural gas utilities, Renewable energy
LocationDar es Salaam, Tanzania
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