Exquisito Perú Show the culture and exquisite Peruvian food with culinary tours

Cover image of Exquisito Perú, Crop farming venture on VC4A

Exquisito Perú

Exquisito Perú

Exquisite Permarió is a company specializing in gastronomic experiences in Peru. Since our constitution in 2018, we have strived to inovate and create the best culinary experiences, mostly focused on foreign tourists. We consider ourselves ambassadors of Peruvian culture and biodiversity and take our role very seriously! In the wake of the crisis, we have developed an online shop where we offer 100% Peruvian, sustainable products and generate an environmental, economic and social impact at the national level. We exclusively promote Peruvian producers and brands, we market their products, but also we create a new relationship between the producer and the final consumer, through educational content on the impact of the brand and its exquisite products. The next step is to develop agro-tourism routes in collaboration with our allied suppliers to use tourism as a local development tool and to continue our initial mission.

SectorsCrop farming, Tourism
LocationMiraflores, Peru
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