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Epilert A hand wrist bracelet that detects and monitors epilepsy seizures.

Cover image of Epilert, Electrónica venture on VC4A

Epilepsy seizures can be a real danger when they happen especially when the patient is alone. Another problem with epilepsy is that medical doctors do not usually have enough data to conduct an adequate diagnosis. Therefore, a seizure detection system with 24/7 monitoring features will definitely make patients’ lives better.

Epilert is a bracelet that detects and monitors epilepsy seizures using integrated biosensors and machine learning algorithms. Once a seizure happens, the caregiver of the patient will be instantaneously alerted about it with a geolocalization of the patient. In addition to that, Medical Doctors will be enabled to track and monitor the patient using a doctor Dashboard with data collected through the bracelet and the mobile application.

The focus of Epilert is neuroscience data as we aim to be the device for neurological activity monitoring. Today, Epilert has operations in the Bay Area and Tunis.

Sectores Electrónica, Sanidad, Proveedores y servicios sanitarios, Machine learning
Ubicación Walnut Creek, Túnez
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