Today, 95% of Argentina’s cultivated area is under the control of multinationals that managed to install a productive model based on the sale of agrochemicals and the export of grain without added value, mainly soybeans to China to feed pigs. Consequence: there is no work inside, the little work is unhealthy and people have to migrate to the cities to look for a future they never encounter.
Epicos offers a system of regenerative, organic and associative agriculture that replaces the current system of monocultures, bare soils and lack of value added in origin.
We give peasants a model in which they can stop renting their chakras to the multinationals, to produce them themselves in an agreeological manner and to obtain a better income. Its hectares pass to give work in the village: the flour mill, the fleetos, the company that does the packaging, the packers, etc. We sell crops such as flour, oils and grains in 400gra