Self medication & treatment are rampant in Kenya and East Africa as a whole because of the indirect costs of seeking healthcare such as cost of transport and the opportunity cost of waiting in line for service. Enzi Health provides last mile healthcare through the use of mobile phone technology, miniature labs and healthcare financing solutions. We deliver healthcare right to our client’s homes or offices using a mobile phone hailing solution. Our services include preventive health, primary health services (doctors consultation, laboratory and investigations, provision of quality medicines and patient follow-up services). These services can be accessed by our members through a pre-paid model (capitation) or a post paid model ( fee-for-service). Our business has the potential of facilitating access to healthcare across the African continent for both rural and urban populations. Our focus is to sync healthcare and technology making healthcare portable, reliable and dignified. Sectors Big data, Fintech, Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services Location Nairobi, Kenya Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by Villgro Africa Contact Sign in to view details Social media