The venture seeks to solve the problem of cassava value chain inefficiencies leading to low cassava productivity, marketing and negligible export despite national and global rising demand for cassava flour. The venture seeks to solve the problem through build strategic partnerships with business mentors and investors; Establishment of Cassava Quality Declared Seed Multiplication Farms; Training smallholder farmers on Good Agronomic Practices in cassava farming and business skills, Supporting farmers with certified cassava seeds, buying fresh cassava from selected farmers and out growers, processing and selling cassava to customers. In-addition, it seeks to provide customers with High-Quality Cassava Flour. Our innovative solution is characterized by unique features that include: Establishment of Cassava Quality Declared Seed Multiplication Farms with cassava varieties that are high yielding, tolerant to drought and local cassava diseases; Purchase of cassava from farmers.SectorsAgribusinessLocationShinyanga, TanzaniaStageSign in to view detailsMarketsSign in to view detailsCustomer modelSign in to view detailsRevenueSign in to view detailsSupported byAnza > Anza Investment Readiness AcceleratorFMO Ventures ProgramContactSign in to view detailsSocial media