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Ekolaundry Clean clothes on time

We’re Ekolaundry; Order laundry via your mobile, receive pampered clean clothes within 48 hours at your doorstep.
Our customers only spend less than 2 minutes to have their laundry taken care of, from the comfort of their mobile, We take care of everything else and have been referred by customers as affordable, convenient, and faster.
We cater to young professionals, creatives, and entrepreneurs( usually in their early 20s to late 30s) with little or no time to spare doing chores talk less laundry.
With over 4 years of experience in Laundry space and less than a year of launching our MVP, we have serviced 70+ unique customers at a 3,500 naira average rev/customer, with Zero marketing spend, and limited operational capacity.
We have a young, smart, talented team and with the right support and funding, we can grow our customer base by at 15X, improve & standardize our operational capacity, Improve product offering within a year, and attain profitability within 2 years.

Sectores Bienes de consumo no duraderos, Móvil, Soluciones de ciudades inteligentes
Ubicación Iwaya, Nigeria
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Mercados Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles - en zonas urbanas
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