Ecomak Recyclers Every year more than 12 million metric tons of plastic garbage end up in our oceans causing a threat to marine life and affecting all sectors of the food supply chain by the year 2050, there could be more plastics than fish in the ocean. In Kampala, Uganda only, it is estimated that over 30,000 metric tons of waste are generated every day and over 28% of this is plastic, which represents only 40% of the total waste generated in Kampala. Also, Uganda has an estimated 2.5M housing deficit, and this is due to a lack of access to affordable and sustainable building materials with millions of underserved communities in Uganda surviving on less than $1/day. Our uniqueness is our model of accepting low-income households to exchange plastic waste for cash and then transforming it into construction bricks and blocks that are 2 times stronger, have zero breakages once used, require low maintenance, do not rot, are termite resistant, and are 30% cheaper than the conventional bricks. Sectors Clean technology and energy, Environmental services, Waste management and recycling Location Kyegegwa, Uganda Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by Startupbootcamp Afritech > ASIP Accelerator Program – Cohort 2 Contact Sign in to view details Social media Articles Ten African startups selected for Startupbootcamp acceleration program Economic growth depends on the jobs, innovation, new ideas, and fresh thinking that entrepreneurs and small businesses bring to their societies. Yet Africa has… read more
Ten African startups selected for Startupbootcamp acceleration program Economic growth depends on the jobs, innovation, new ideas, and fresh thinking that entrepreneurs and small businesses bring to their societies. Yet Africa has… read more