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Eco Polysand Products Ltd The business is a social business based on profit generating .

The company will manufacture Eco-friendly products such as roofing tiles, paving slabs, interlocking bricks, and lumbers using recycled plastics,used glass bottle sand, and fly ash. The target market will be construction companies, hardware shops, and the hotel industry. The business will contribute to solving two major problems of our society firstly the challenge of solid waste management and reducing the cost of construction materials considerably. The products we will make will be innovative, cheap, durable, and beautiful. They will be very much cheaper than the ones available on the market. A guarantee of 50 years will be offered on our products. The available products on the market are made of concrete and are easily breakable. The business has a large scope of expansion. Another factory can be set up to manufacture outdoor furniture with the lumbers we will be making. A contract out section can be set up to service our clients.

Sectores Construcción y fabricación, Gestión y reciclado de residuos
Ubicación Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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