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EasyLearn An E-Learning Solution whereby the user can learn various courses and

Enrolling for a course in a college or university can be really cumbersome ,time consuming and inconveniencing especially for employed individuals who seek to undertake additional training to further their careers. Moreover, most institutions in Kenya and Africa in general do not have the right infrastructure to accommodate many students at a go in their classrooms, therefore the teacher student ratio is affected and the quality of education received is ultimately compromised.about specific topics or subjects because everything will be right on your fingertips.

We have a solution to this, with Easy Learn, which is an E-Learning system.Easy Learn enables you to learn from anywhere,at your own pace and convenience. It’s basically a mobile/portable classroom that offers thousands of courses in various fields,with a chat feature that enables direct student teacher interaction. You therefore do not need to get worried anymore about getting more information about specific topics.

SectoresServicios educativos
UbicaciónNairobi, Kenia
EtapaInicie la sesión para ver los detalles
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Modelo de clienteInicie la sesión para ver los detalles
ContactoInicie la sesión para ver los detalles
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