eMsika Simplifying business

Cover image of eMsika, Agribusiness venture on VC4A



1. 95% of the agricultural input suppliers in Zambia are based in the capital city, causing farmers in remote areas to lose a lot of money and time when travelling to buy farm inputs. This is also due to local re-sellers not fully being stocked, having fake inputs and price exploitation.
2. Due to the fact that small scale farmers can’t afford to hire a farm manager and the ratio of extension farmers from the government is at 2000 farmer to 1 extension officer. Hence the reason why farmers get advice from us.
We offer an online platform that provides small-scale farmers in rural areas access to farming raw materials such as seeds, fertilizer, equipment etc, they can pay for them using mobile money and we deliver to their home town, all this in an easy, affordable and convenient way. We also provide remote consultation services to farmers who can’t afford to hire a qualified farm manager (we plan to create a shared economy platform of agriculture experts that can be hired on the go).

SectorsAgribusiness, E-commerce
LocationLusaka, Zambia
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