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E-Commerce 2.0 To Sales Summits

Cover image of E-Commerce 2.0, E-commerce venture on VC4A

E-Commerce 2.0

E-Commerce 2.0

E-COMMERCE 2.0 is a Start-Up of e-commerce (online sales) operating on the African and European market. The E-trade market represents more than $33.1 billion dollars in Africa in 2022 and will represent more than $47.1 billion of the dollar by 2025 and in Europe more than £ 800 billion Euro in 2022 and continues to increase. We created and formalized the company in March 2022 and we grow 20 % from one month to the next by making a minimum of 400 monthly sales with profit margins of up to 40 %. The speed-quality-price ratio is what enables us to have customer satisfaction at more than 97 % and to shadows the competition that sells expensive and delivers between 03-12 days. We earn money and make direct sales through facebook and google ads and shipping costs. Our team is made up of computer engineers and marketing experts. We raise a capital Series A of $1 Million with a minimum of $500

Sectors E-commerce, Marketing and PR, Retail and wholesale
Location Yaoundé, Cameroon
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