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Dream Tribe Network Africa Fueling Dreams: Business is about linking entrepreneurs to market


Esther Neema is an expert in Public Relations and Development, with many years in Media and Journalism. Passionate about the Arts, Business & Entrepreneurship.

A YALI and YEPI FELLOW, trained in Business and Entrepreneurship, Founder of Dream Tribe & Projector Coordinator TEDxKibera. She is also the former Kenya Representative Africa youth Development commission.

Equally, in the same space, she is the Head of Publicity on the continental board for AYDEC. Her function is to enhance visibility across the board of all the initiatives across the region.

Still, within the communication function, she is the main Communication Advisor for LAMUKANI on the rural coast of Kenya. Also serving in the same capacity at the YALI Nairobi Alumni Network and a Mastercard Foundation Alumni Committee lead.

Close to 10 years on TV, Radio, and Public Relations and now in Development, running, and managing several projects under Dream Tribe, supporting several Busi