DJIFA Empowering Financial Inclusion for africa's Unbanked

Cover image of DJIFA, Servicios financieros venture on VC4A

DjiFa is a fintech platform designed to solve the problem of financial exclusion in Africa by providing seamless and affordable digital financial services. With over 60% of the population unbanked, DjiFa offers peer-to-peer money transfers, currency conversion, savings, crowdfunding, and payroll management tailored to the needs of the underserved. We also integrate financial education to empower users with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions. Unlike competitors, DjiFa combines lower fees, comprehensive services, and partnerships with businesses to deliver a holistic solution. Our early user trials in Guinea have shown strong demand, and we’re on track to scale once we secure the necessary license. With an expected valuation of $5 million pre-money, DjiFa is raising $700,000 to $1 million to fully launch and expand operations. Our vision is to become the leading digital financial services provider across Africa, empowering millions to achieve financial inclusion.

Sectores Servicios financieros
Ubicación Ratoma, Guinea
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