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Disrupt Pharma Tech Africa Tech powering the pharma industry to improve access to safe meds.

Cover image of Disrupt Pharma Tech Africa, Sanidad venture on VC4A

Disrupt Pharma Tech Africa

Disrupt Pharma Tech Africa

Medsaf is solving the information problem that causes a breakdown in the pharmaceutical supply chain in emerging markets. Medsaf’s suite of products improve access, quality and affordability of medications, vaccines, and consumables.
At the core, Medsaf uses data analytics, proprietary software, and other technological advancements to lower the friction for health care stakeholders. We help them access 100% of their needs through Medsaf’s platform solutions.

Medsaf has served over 750 clients across 22 states in Nigeria. We work with some of the best hospitals in the country as well as the small pharmacies and patients. We’ve grown over 600% since the pandemic and will Pan African by 2025.

Sectores Sanidad, HealthTech, Productos farmacéuticos
Ubicación Dover, Estados Unidos
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