Digital Realm Entertainment® Inc. Building African Virtual worlds for Games, and interactive content


–Thomas Shiva CEO | Founder | Creative Director : Serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Tech Expert, Engineering background, 10+ years working in Tech, Gaming Industry. Pioneering the Development and establishment of the Rwandan Games Industry Ecosystem and amongst the leaders/ pioneers of the African Gaming Industry Ecosystem.

– Elcid Chawa Fabu: Senior Software Developer,, with a Background in Computer Science, Software Development and a self driven mentality to build and ship Software products

– Evelia Gad President: President, Projects & Management : (Master degree in France and 6 years working for a French media company well implemented in Africa Burkina Faso) and Also Enter Africa Org Board Member

– Daniel Muhizi: Head of Finance and Legal, With a background in accounting, finance and experience in corporate finance, legal frameworks, taxes

– Johana Riquier : Business, Product Development, Strategic Partnerships