Digital Mobility SARL Freight delivery and transport company that uses technology

Cover image of Digital Mobility SARL, Logística venture on VC4A

Digital mobility SARL is an African freight delivery and transport company that uses technology to promote employment for young people in Africa. It trains and leases young people wishing to set up their own delivery service or personal transport (mototaxi) and then connects them through its digital platform with a clientele of individuals and professionals such as merchants and actors of African e-commerce in search of these services. It optimizes their routes and provides secure, safe and competitively priced transport.
Established since September 2021 in Douala, Cameroon, the company currently has a network of about 20 drivers and a dozen major clients (e-commerce players)..

Sectores Logística, Transporte personal, Correo y courier
Ubicación Douala, Camerún
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