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Development Hackers Global community for tech enthusiasts interested in social impact

Cover image of Development Hackers, Business services venture on VC4A

Development Hackers is a community of software developers, no-code makers and DIY enthusiasts getting together to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

There are a lot of niche communities but no public hub where tech enthusiasts can get inspired by others, replicate proven work and improve on it collaboratively.

We’ve centralised all useful ressources to help our members (370 as of May 30th) launch Tech for Good projects:
– Public forum optimised for sharing technical work
– Impact Hackathons
– Open data and data visualisations about the world
– $500k+ in software deals
– 40+ Podcasts on case studies for social impact
With mure more to come.

The goal is really to help bridge the worlds of Tech and International Development.
We’ll be looking for sponsors soon enough.

SectorsBusiness services, Creative, media and entertainment, Education
LocationParis, France
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