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Delight global and natural resources DEALS in food items, cereals, general goods and services

Cover image of Delight global and natural resources, E-deportes venture on VC4A

We live in a generation where everyone is busy with so many things. Where by lacking sufficient time for food and as well their health.
It is in this note that I present to you Delight nosh, it’s a composition of various processed and ready to eat food items which includes:
1. Tombrown – A healthy cereal which comprises of 13 ingredients for a good nutritional balance for both children and adults.
2. Finger Millet – A cereal with high Fiber
3. Beans flour – A processed beans which is ready for making beans cake etc

Sectores E-deportes, Producción alimentaria, Tecnología de información
Ubicación Maiduguri, Nigeria
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