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Debtum Green Mopane worm rearing and processing.

Rural communities in SSA are rich with land and natural resources like mopane worm (Phane) that can feed and make a fortune for them but they only benefit a little from them, mainly due to lack of other factors of production and skills to make high end products. We are a product development company that invest on real estate and make revenue through patent royalties, licensing, rent and carbon credit transfer. We currently work with research institutions to develop phane products and processes like Phane flour, mince and snacks, greenhouse phane rearing system and biogas production from Phane waste. We protect the intellectual property and license it to manufacturing companies or to community-led processing centers we have co-founded, of which the communities offer land in exchange of shares and the land is rented to those who establish the processing & farm facilities for production and pay rent. Our ask is USD 20,000 for 25% equity to establish the farm and processing facilities

SectorsAgribusiness, Construction and manufacturing, Food production
LocationPalapye, Botswana
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