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Curtfire Comfort shopping all around Africa

Cover image of Curtfire, Comercio electrónico venture on VC4A



Curtfire is an online market that connects vendors to customers all around on the store. We are in a world of evolving technology and especially with covid 19 pandemic most business models had to change and this boosted Ecommerce. This was a different case of Africa, internet is still scarce and regarded as a luxury commodity. While Africa accounts for 15.0% of the world’s population, only 6.2% of the World’s Internet subscribers are Africans. Africans who have access to broadband connections are estimated to be in percentage of 1% or lower. This is the reason why Africa has the lowest number of exports, as customers shop on the internet. We are going to create Ecommerce platform that African vendors to the world, making it easier for them to sell products and for customers to receive good in a timely manner all on one platform.

Sectores Comercio electrónico, Internet, Comercio minorista y mayorista
Ubicación Harare, Zimbawe
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