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Crowdyvest Making more possible


Crowdyvest was born out of the need to address impact-driven opportunities in different sectors of the economy. It was founded by Temitope Omotolani (CEO), Onyeka Akumah, Akindele Phillips, Christopher Abiodun, and Ifeanyi Anazodo – the same team that started Farmcrowdy, as a digital platform that connects investors to impact-driven opportunities through sponsorship packages to fund higher yields for a share of the returns.

Crowdyvest has since January 2020 become an impact-driven financial technology platform that creates financial solutions for a community of individuals and organizations that are committed to long-term growth and financial freedom.

We have a singular objective: to help you make the most of your money, thereby making more possible for you. Since 2020, we have developed a range of products and services in pursuit of this objective—from simple savings to funding impact projects for returns.